.Log / Flickr / Posters / Strong Enough / Anna Bee SP
Anna Bee
Anna Bezerra is a teenager girl who lives on the internet, where she is known as Anna Bee.
.Log / Flickr / Posters / Strong Enough / Anna Bee SP
Anna Bee
Anna Bezerra is a teenager girl who lives on the internet, where she is known as Anna Bee.
The second phase is Annabee.log ( between 2011 and 2012). There were 8 episodes of 2 minutes each during MTV Brasil programming. Each week, an episode was divided into 30 seconds vignettes. At this stage, Anna falls in love and is cheated by a boy she met on Chatroulette. For two months, the story that started on television continued in real time on Twitter and Facebook by Anna.
The second phase is Annabee.log ( between 2011 and 2012). There were 8 episodes of 2 minutes each during MTV Brasil programming. Each week, an episode was divided into 30 seconds vignettes. At this stage, Anna falls in love and is cheated by a boy she met on Chatroulette. For two months, the story that started on television continued in real time on Twitter and Facebook by Anna.
Ep.2 Quem é você?
Ep.8 Tudo bem eu entendi
The first phase of Anna Bee's story was told on Flickr between 2008 and 2011 as a diary. There is Anna's birth to the world, her first friendships, explosions and frustrations. At the end of this phase comes HotHotMails, the band that Anna creates with her friends.
HotHotMails Clips
The universe of the project extends. HotHotMails had its first CD (Temporary Internet Files) recorded in 2011 and produced in 2012, through collective funding by Catarse. Also the video clips of the songs Chatroulette and Epic Fail were produced (the first one entered to the grid of clips of MTV Brazil).
Strong Enough
Still in 2012, the Strong Enough EP was released for free download. Strong Enough is a spin-off of Anna Bee about the relationship of Bisteca and Tuíter, two characters from the series. The project was created by Daniel Semanas (animation and concept) and Marcella Tamayo (script and concept). The identity of its creators and contributors was kept secret until 2013, when Annabee.log entered the Animamundi competitive show.
Anna Bee SP
At the height of her success, Annabee and Mika were invited to participate in a photo essay in honor of her hometown, Sao Paulo.
Selected Works
AwakeCommercial Works
DeathsCommercial Works
ParanoidId's and Illustrations
Anna BeeThe Complete Works
Valley of DreamsAnna Bee
PistachoThe Project
RainbowsColor Illustrations
Dark MatterIllustrations
B/WIllustrations and Sketches
AlôCommercial Works
Blurry EyesFilm
YuneikApocalypse Party
Roly PolyA Graphic Novel
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